Friday, January 29, 2010


Cycles, originally uploaded by k erickson photos.

A few weeks ago, I shot some pictures of a church with bright red doors. I really loved the doors and these are what you see pasted across this image. Someone commented that it reminded them of musical notes which I thought was interesting. Kind of a lyrical feel.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am sure this image comes about as a combination of all the images coming out of Haiti as well as our local struggles with the rain. This is one of those pictures that I did not have a real sense of direction for when I started, but once I completed the image, it made sense.
A tough day with the rain. The 405 had waterfalls cascading down, such that many people were forced to take Spring street, where the water was at least knee deep. It took me about forty minutes to travel less than a mile. When I finally got to my destination, I found that my class was canceled as there were serious water leaks at the facility. That really sucked! Here's to safe driving!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I really wanted to make some images with color this morning. I searched through some older photos and came up with two that I combined here. I like the movement and the strength.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The lighting here was incredible. This happens to be the stair case up to someone's home. I can only dream of having a home like this.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Another beautiful day in Southern California. We headed down to Laguna and soaked in the sun this morning. The view of the tide was spectacular!

Monday, January 4, 2010

For anyone who missed the spectacular sunrise this morning, I was just in awe! I love January skies.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I used to have this recurrent dream that I was flying, which is probably why I am so fascinated by birds.
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A New Day

I went out to capture the sunset in San Pedro last night. Ended up layering several images and adding some more manipulation to come up with this.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

View From The Hollyhock House

The Hollyhock House

Frank LLoyd Wright was hired by Aline Barnsdall in 1919 to build the Hollyhock House. The house was built on a site known as Olive Hill in Hollywood and offers wonderful views of Los Angeles and Hollywood Hills. Aline had a passion for the arts and theatre and was looking to develop an innovative theatrical community. Wright himself referred to the structure as California Romanza which is a musical term that means, "freedom to make one's own form".
The following is a quote written by Mr. Wright in aletter to Ms. Barnsdall."Well--the building stands...It is yours for what it has cost you. It is mine for what it has cost me. And it is for all mankind...Whatever its birth pangs, it will take its place as your contribution and mine to the vexed life of our time"
(All information taken from the Friends of the Hollyhock House website)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years

Photography provides me with an excuse to adventure to many beautiful places. I think that as we all get caught up in the business of our lives, we forget to take time to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. I hope to be able to use this site to record the many places and interesting things that I see and experience. I also hope to be better about describing the places and things in my images. Let me know if you see anything that you like.